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What is experiential learning?  

Experiential learning is learning by doing, 然后反思经验,让未来变得更好. It’s a cycle of preflection, action, and reflection. Ohio University has defined it this way: 

体验式学习是一种教育方法,强调学生通过直接体验和反思来学习,以增加知识, develop skills, and elucidate values. 体验式学习活动是为了发展学生的知识而设计的, skills, and attitudes through experience related to a field. 体验式学习可以在课程设置和课外设置中进行. 


  1. Engagement. 学生对活动的参与是持续和/或密集的. 这种体验需要投入大量的时间和精力来培养深度学习. 

  2. Mentorship. Student receives regular, 活动总监或主管对学生工作的有意义的反馈. 反馈支持学生通过活动和为未来学习设定目标来反思和整合学习. 

  3. Challenge. 学生从事推动自己的边界超越熟悉或探索未知领域的活动,以发展知识和技能. 

  4. 所有权:学生在定义和/或执行活动时进行独立判断. Student takes ownership of the process and outcomes. 

  5. Self or Social Awareness. 学生通过阐述个人、公民/社会和/或学术学习来反思活动. 学生识别和表达通过活动发展的知识、价值观和态度. 

体验式学习的环境可能包括(但不限于)实习, apprenticeships, clinical experience, fellowships, cooperatives, field work, practicums, community engagement (service-learning, community-based research, volunteering), interactive simulations, role-playing, performance, professional internship/student teaching, study abroad/cultural immersion, research (basic, applied, lab, industry, community), live case studies, job training, place-based education, and student organization leadership. 

Reflection Facilitation for Instructors 

反思是体验式学习周期的重要组成部分,也是日常生活的一部分. 它允许我们不断地提出问题,继续失败,并为脆弱提供空间. As educators, 我们应该将反思贯穿于我们的课程中,并为学生提供反思实践以newbb电子于他们的经历.

As a reflective practitioner, 教育工作者应该具备以下技能或积极努力发展这些技能ritical self-awareness, humility, empathy, observation, active listening, integration, seeing multiple perspectives, systems thinking, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, visual and spatial literacy.

What is Reflection?

简单地说,反思就是向内和向后看,以改善未来. 通过反思,学生可以识别和表达知识,并阐明价值观. 反思是体验式学习周期的核心.

体验式学习循环可以让newbb电子平台通过反思自己的经历来讲述更好的故事,过上更好的生活,为自己做得更好, their family, and their local and global communities. 根据俄亥俄砖通识教育课程,学生的结果是: 


Experiential learning, when done best, 包括学生对活动的反思,表达个人观点, civic/social, and/or academic learning, leading to self or social awareness. Using reflection, 我们可以帮助学生从自我到更大的社会意识使用脚手架的方法.

Arrow cycle diagram. 反思导致学习,学习导致行动. Acting Leads to experiencing. Experiencing leads back to reflection.

Scaffolding Reflection

Timing and Modes of Reflection


Arrow chart. 预见导致行动,行动导致反思.


  • Mark making, or drawing
  • 策展,或收集的项目和/或通过剪切和粘贴
  • Writing, or recording and journaling
  • 索引,或寻找模式和分类/编码主题
  • 讨论,或在群体环境中结构化的语言处理


Encourage students to: draw a map, write or tell a story, cut and paste newspaper headlines, do an interpretative dance, write/perform a song, make a video, create a painting or sculpture, 把学过的东西/要学的东西/问题列一个清单, collect photographs, write poetry, keep an observation journal, draw a pie chart/Venn diagram, make a list of new skills, share a “Rose, Bud, and Thorn” after an experience, create a blog/vlog, do a self-assessment, make a portfolio, respond to sentence stems, think through or write “What? So what? Now What?”, do a quick-write, list three things they already know about the topic, two things they’d like to know, and one question related to the topic (3-2-1).


Group Processing and Individual Processing

允许学生以小组和个人的形式进行反思,从而创造更平衡的小组对话. 这可以通过向全班提供反思提示来实现,但允许学生在与小组分享之前单独处理和自我反思. After individual processing, 这个小组可以聚在一起讨论个人的反思和分享个人的想法. Finally, 给个人留下空间,让他们处理团队中分享的任何新想法,以及这些想法如何影响或补充他们的个人反思.


Interdisciplinary Approach

Following an experience, 学生应根据提示,通过感官反思进行身心探索, such as:

  • Are there distinct sounds, smells, sights, 或者其他与体验发生的环境相关的感官方面?
  • 在这段经历中,你身体上或情感上的挑战是什么?
  • Are you excited, nervous, intimidated, confident?
  • 你如何应对新的或不熟悉的体验?

Next, 提出指导性问题,鼓励学生将轶事与自己的学科联系起来, work, or majors. To achieve an interdisciplinary approach, have students draw connections to other disciplines, outside of their own, 促进从自我意识到提高社会意识的转变. 这种反思的方法以综合学习为基础,学生可以在其中建立跨学科的联系.