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Supplier Information

Doing Business with Ohio University

Ohio University wants to alert you to an active email scam involving purchase orders and requests for product quotations that purport to originate from Ohio University but are in fact, 欺诈. While the university can不 prevent this illegal activity, we are actively working with law enforcement to investigate these 欺诈 email contacts. Suppliers should never provide goods or begin service work without a valid Ohio University Purchase Order.

Suppliers are a vital part of our goal to supply our customers with a best-in-class experience when procuring and paying for the goods and services that are needed. 

New Supplier Setup

In order to become a supplier for Ohio University, we require:

Updating Supplier Information


  • Purchase Orders are generated electronically from an eProcurement system (Bobcat). 这 is our 首选 method of doing business.
    • Most Purchase Orders are delivered by email from procurement@俄亥俄州.edu. Please be sure that your organization does 不 filter out the 俄亥俄州.edu域.
  • University representatives with a 采购 Card (PCard) may purchase goods and/or travel, but no services.
  • Please follow shipping and invoicing instructions as listed on the PO or provided by the PCard holder.


  • 俄亥俄州 is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization
  • The University's standard payment terms are Net 30 from the date of the invoice
  • 支付 are made by check, ACH (首选), wire transfer, or an authorized University PCard (MasterCard). Wire transfers will be used for international businesses 只有. Other forms of payment should 不 be accepted.
  • The 首选 method of invoice submission is to e-mail your invoice to 账户.payable@俄亥俄州.edu. Your invoice must include:
    • Purchase Order Number
    • Unique Invoice Number
  • If a PCard was used to pay for an item, a detailed receipt should be sent directly to the cardholder,  to Accounts Payable.

RFP Opportunities

Ohio University, as an instrumentality of the State of Ohio, and per our Board of Trustee’s, must competitively bid goods and services which exceed the bid threshold of $50,000.  Non-construction bid opportunities are available through an eSourcing Platform shared by 俄亥俄州 and Miami University.  Suppliers that wish to be 不ified of new opportunities should register through the shared platform. 

设计, & Construction 金融 is responsible for Ohio University’s construction bid opportunities.

Supplier Diversity

Ohio University strives to cultivate relationships with vendors and suppliers recognized by the State of Ohio as Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and Encouraging Diversity, 增长, and Equity (EDGE). If your business currently is recognized by the State of Ohio as MBE/EDGE and would like information about serving the Ohio University community please contact 金融 Customer Care. Ohio University is committed to continuing to promote the use of MBE / EDGE recognized vendors by the Ohio University community. More information about obtaining MBE/EDGE recognition by the State of Ohio is available through the Division of Equal Opportunity.

Vendor Information Security

While the University routinely engages with outside businesses or service providers to help pursue its mission, entrusting these vendors with University data introduces risks that can have a detrimental impact if proper data-protection precautions are 不 in place. Therefore, to help manage those risks, 俄亥俄州 IT has developed the 俄亥俄州 Technology Review for vendors. 这 risk assessment is required for all information technology, communication, or software purchases/renewals, including “free” services and services developed in-house.  

The purpose of the vendor review is 不 to control the unit’s choice of vendor for an outsourced solution, but to provide an assessment of risks associated with an outsourced solution. To expedite the process, it is recommended that the unit sponsor request the department complete the Technology Review form as soon as they decide to engage the vendor for the solution.  Additionally, the Request for Proposal (RFP) process should include a request to the vendor to complete the IT Security Outsourcing Technology Questionnaire.  The Information Security Office recommends that the results of the information contained within the Vendor Technology Workbook be taken into consideration when choosing a vendor using the RFP process. 

Accessible Technology

Information technology products developed at, purchased by, or used at the University should be accessible to all 教师, 学生, 和工作人员, including those with disabilities. To reach this goal, those responsible for making decisions about which products to procure must consider accessibility as one of the criteria for acquisition. 这 is especially critical for enterprise-level systems and other technologies that affect a large number of 学生, 教师, staff and/or members of the public. 下  University Information Technology Accessibility Policy, a 3-question risk assessment will be conducted when purchases are being made to review for accessibility.


The Department of 金融 fully supports the efforts of the Office of Sustainability and the Ohio University Sustainability plan. The Office of Sustainability has released guidelines for sustainable purchasing. These guidelines include sustainable attributes of purchased goods, disposal of goods, and a recommended sustainability clause for RFPs and RFQs. 

采购 Regulations

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